Angled Segmented Bowl
Part Number:
$250.00 - $400.00
per item
This is a set of bowls in which each of the segmented layers was sliced at a small angle to produce these unique bowls. Turning these on the Lathe was quite a challenge.
Production of the Angled Segmented Bowl
These videos describe the production of Segmented Wood Bowls in which the 25 individual layers are angled at 1 degree per layer. The cutting of the segmented layers on the Accu-Slice system using the Offset Cam clamping fence is described. The bowl is turned on a 5 degree offset block to make it easier to turn on the lathe and also to enable the turning of a larger bowl. This is one of the most difficult pieces that I have turned on the lathe due to the layer angles and the thinness of the sides of the bowl. Several variations of the Angled Bowls are listed below.
The following three videos describe the operation of the Accu-Wedge which is used to accurately slice the segmented wedges on the band saw.
Segmented Angled Bowl 030
(ART030 - $400.00) This is the best of the 4 angled bowls that I made. Each layer was angled 1 degree and staggered during the glue up as described above. Click on the video on the right to see the rotation of this bowl. |
Height: 5 " Diameter: 3.25" Angle Segmented layers 25 24 Segments per layer Layer Thickness: 0.150" 600 Wood Exposures Base: Segmented Katalox Wood Species: Maple and Mahogany Date Made: 2018 Finish: Polyurethane Artist: John Manura |
Segmented Angled Bowl 031
(ART031 - $250.00) This is the second of the 4 angled bowls that I made. Each layer was angled 2 degrees and staggered during the glue up as described above. Click on the video on the right to see the rotation of this bowl. |
Height: 4 " Diameter: 3.5" Angle Segmented layers 6 24 Segments per layer Layer Thickness: 0.20" to .60" 44 Wood Exposures Base: Segmented Katalox Wood Species: Maple and Mahogany Date Made: 2018 Finish: Polyurethane Artist: John Manura |
Segmented Angled Bowl 029
(ART029 - $300.00) This is the third of the 4 angled bowls that I made. Each layer was angled 2 degree2 and staggered during the glue up as described above. Click on the video on the right to see the rotation of this bowl. |
Segmented Angled Bowl 019
(ART019 - $300.00) This is the fourth of the 4 angled bowls that I made. Each layer was angled 2 degrees. During the glue up the layers were staggered 180 degrees so that the final bowl maintained its standard straight shape. Click on the video above to see the rotation of this bowl. |